Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012

Journey pharmacy

One important point, when you go on a journey is some kind of a journey pharmacy. I don't know if I translated it correctly, maybe some of you guys think know I have one extra suitcase full of injections and pills, but that's wrong because I'm not a hypochondriac or some kind of addict. Actually it's not even normal medicine, it's homeopathy. I don't know if you guys are used to this stuff, but it's pretty usefull and I rather take 5 to 10 globules than antibiotics.
So yeah, my mother just ordered several of these tiny boxes with natural medicine in it. I really advise you to get deliberated by some kind of pharmacist or docter about a journey pharmacy and what you may need.

I hope I could help you with this post.
And don't panic!

Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012


I have my visa! I was so happy as I got it. The Consul here in Berlin is a very nice Lady and she was very helpful as she told me that the thing with the addresses (they have streetnames and housenumbers, but costaricaneses rather prefer to describe the direction of their houses as an address) is normal und you get used to it. Fine, I hope so, it's pretty confusing.

Also my wonderful family answered on my e-mail. I still don't know if I'm allowed to write some proper dates about them, but I can say one thing more: they are still friendly. ;-)

Samstag, 23. Juni 2012


Omg I was soo damn excited as I found the letter. I think my neighbours thought I died or something. There are just very few informations about them and I'm not pretty sure if I should post anything about them here. But I can say one thing for sure: they seem very nice!
It is allredy real so I can't say everything became real in that moment and I think I said that for several times...

One step closer to my trip to paradise!

Freitag, 22. Juni 2012

cabin luggage

I finally bought a travellers guide book and it's pretty nice, by lonley planet. I bought it (or my mother bought it...) in a shop called Globetrotter, it's a kind of outdoor travel shop and it's damn cool, because you can go inside some kind of chilly box and test your outdoor equipment. I saw a wonderful bag there, some kind of camera messenger bag from National Geografic it looked like this:

PS: the Lou Reed concert was pretty cool, but it just rained like there was no tomorrow. -.-'

Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

School's out!

I finished all the school stuff! Saturday was our prom-dance, it was ok. A bit too expensive, because the dj was shit, the food was quite good and the mood of the people was good. I had fun, but I was pretty happy, being at home later, as well. Monday was the celebration of getting our final school reports (in germany you can leave school after 10th grade to start some kind of job education, or get your a-level after 12th oder 13th year, I'll finish with a-level). It took us about two hours and was damn boring. Yeah yesterday I met my class mates for more or less the last time for some kind of barbecue. Also yesterday arrived a letter from the Embassy of Costa Rica, with an appointment for getting the visa.

Today I'm going to a Lou Reed concert with my mother, hope it will be great!

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Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012

Today was my last guitar lesson. I just can't believe it, all "my last..." are just starting and it feels pretty weird. I'm really going to miss my guitar teacher, after those 4 years of learning I know him pretty well, we could talk about nearly everything. But he promised me, that I can continue with my lessons after my year.

by the way: all the documents for the visa are already send to the embasy of Costa Rica... I'm just waiting for their answer.

Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012

I just got my flightticket! Everything became real in that moment. Oh shit, in less than 2 months I'm in Costa Rica! Ok I still haven't got my host family, but I'm really looking forward to getting this damn letter. I'm writing this on my college blog in class. Ethics, such a shitty lesson, I mean really?! We never really talk about ethics, more ore less always about school stuff. And this annoying class always interupts everything, sometimes I imagen they are monkeys on trees and they're throwing their own shit on each other.

New country, new possibilities!

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

Plans, plans, plans...

I just made a request, that I don't have to repeat the school year that I stay in Costa Rica, when I'm back home. How crazy ist that? I hadn't even pack my things and I just started planning what's going to happen when I'm back. Actually I begun with the planning my goodbye-party here. I just makes me sad, but the opurtunitys I'm going to have in Costa Rica animating me to go on and on.

But I still don't know what to pack in my suitcase. I don't know what I could give my hostparents, because I still don't know who's going to host me.

There are so many things I don't know, but it is all ok, when I look at pictures like these:

(google bilder)

 Manu Chao - Me Llaman Calle

PS:  Listening to some latin-american music also rises my mood.