Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012

birthday girl

I promised you guys, to tell you how my birthday was.. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it wasn't that special. No emotional breakdown, no special activities; just like every other ordenary day. Ok I had a cake. My presents from germany didn't arrived yet, so I'm still waiting for them. Saturday I'm going to celebrate my birthday a little with a couple of friends, cake, movies and food. Nothing big, just a little celebrating my 17 years of life.

You'll hear from me soon!

Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012

zoo ave

On monday was no school, so I spend the day with my hostmom and my hostsister at a zoo. Zoo Ave, to be exact. It was a nice day with good weather. I took a bunch of photos that I'd like to share with you, I don't have that much more to say about it, a zoo is a zoo, even in Costa Rica ;)

Samstag, 13. Oktober 2012

something interesting soon!

Soo, soon you will hear something more interesting from me...
First, my birthday is in one week, so I will exactly tell you how it feels to be without your family on your birthday and I will show you some pictures from my little (I hope so..) birthday party.
And second and I guess more interesting for you guys... I'll go on a 2 days trip through Tortuguero National Park! And I'm soo damn ecxited! The park (or the little village) is named Tortuguero, because this region is famouse for turtles and turtlewatching (since 1955!) But I'm going in November, so there are not going to be that many turtles, but anyway the park is amazing! You really have to see my pictures! And if you can't wait just google it. (so did I...)

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, I have one day more because monday is the day of international cultures, or something, so no school.

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2012

everyday life

As I started this year I thought it was about learning the language and the culture. Yes of course it is about these things but first of all it's about learning something about myself. I'm here for 2 1/2 months now and I already learned a lot about myself. I can find so much peace in simple actions and thinking is so much easier without the noise of my Hometown, without getting distracted by everything that happens there.
I'm sorry that I can't tell you any intersting travellers stories yet. I arrived in the everyday life. And it feels good.. I mean I miss my family and my country so much, it hurts, but I have normal "teenager" problems here, gives me the feeling of being at home.

you will hear from me soon. If you like you can check out my tumblr.