Sonntag, 31. März 2013


I reached a point where I can't stand it anymore. A lot had happened since the last time I posted. I'm a proud person so I didn't say anything, but I have to change my hostfamily for my last 3 months. My hostsister wants me out of the family and I have no clue why, she is so angry that she can't tell me a reason. I for my self think she might be jealous or something, but you never know.
Right now I'm sitting in my room, alone, while the house is full of people. Upstairs the so called "teenagers" (I would rather call them kids) watching a horror movie and downstairs the women talking about the best recipies. I wasn't even asked to join them. I'm just the exchange student, sitting here like the scum nobody wants. I only went out one time to eat a banana and found my hostsister and her friends stop talking and watching me getting my banana, they were talking about me. I feel so unconfortable and unwanted, I want Intercultura to hurry up with finding my new hostfamily. Finally they doing something (but my mom nearly had to threathen them with a lawyer)

I hope this is gonna be over soon, I reached the limit of my powers.